Costanza Gastaldi: En un geste, la réalité et le mystère

« Pas étonnant que cette Edgar Allan Poe de la photographie attire les regards de la profession entre les expositions, les récompenses et les galeries qui la représentent »

Article Nathalie Dassa

Process MAGAZINE et The Instant When by Taittinger

ART PARIS FAIR, 2022, Paris. 




Among its virtuoso practitioners, we have set our sights on an artist from Turin, born in 1993 and living for ten years in Paris: Costanza Gastaldi. Using the ancient technique of heliogravure (“drawing by the sun” at the origin of the invention of photography) for its plastic qualities and, in particular, the subtlety of the rendering of the shades of gray or the depth, almost tactile, of the blacks, she multiplies tenfold the graphic possibilities by imperceptibly metamorphosing (by digital retouching) the image. Cultivating the formal ambiguity between photography and drawing, her landscapes instill a feeling of strangeness, even unreality.

Retouching, shading, with a stylus, on a screen, each piece of the engraved image, she recreates another one, dreamlike, fantasized. Thus, her magical mountains, the mythical Huang Mountains piercing the sky in eastern China (climbed by the photographer with 18 kg of equipment on her back during the sacred hours before dawn in 2018), or her miniature landscapes in tondo, as if seen through a door peephole or a keyhole, from her irresistible series entitled Landscape Voyeurism.

Février 2021, parution dans Fisheye en vue du Festival Plaches contact, à Deauville 

Novembre 2019, parution dans Le Monde

Novembre 2019, parution Télérama

Sélectionnée pour la résidence « artiste en arctique »

départ prévu le 8 Janvier 2020

SOLO EXHIBITION « Loto Nero »,  Paris 2019

festival PhotoSaintGermain

SOLO EXHIBITION « Loto Nero »,  Paris 2019

festival PhotoSaintGermain

SOLO EXHIBITION « Alba Alata »,  HK 2019

Conférence: Femmes photographes



Salon de la Photo 2018